My 20th

3:33 PM

Let’s fist talk about food. Our parent gave us food when we were child, then we eat the food by ourselves. But now/in the future, we need to look for money in order to eat. You get it?

In this post, I will write about how I see and interpret birthday; an annual celebration that seem different for me. Well in my term, birthday is not only about getting older; it’s more like growing up.

The time when I reflect what a year past has contained; the challenges that I fought, the opportunities that I met, the risks that I took, the sadness that I felt, the joy that filled my days,

The time that I got more responsibilities and getting closer to the real world, related to the first paragraph above,

The time to be more sensitive to living and nonliving objects. Understand and know more about my surroundings.

This year I realize, there are people that contribute on making my birthday feel priceless. Along with that, I think I should be more grateful for each gesture that they make for me; the wishes they gave – not to forget the long description about how they look toward me, the visuals that is related to me, even the feelings that came up because of them.

Thank You

“Wish you all the best!”, “Semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu”, “makin cantik, sukses ya sekolahnya!”. Basic? Yes I do agree. But as a grown up person, I think appreciating those little effort is very important. When people remember which date is my birthday, it’s nice. But when they send me some love through words/presence, it’s special.

That’s the word of how I think everybody should feel on his or her birthday. Let me remind you something. Don’t be lazy on wishing somebody on his or her birthday. You don’t know what are the things that they expect, but sparing 2 minutes of your 24 hours won’t hurt, right? Show some gratitude of their existence – what are the things you wish for them? Or a simple “happy birthday” from you, might be the thing that he/she has waited for a day. 

To keep my moment and to remember the feeling that i felt on the 21st of august 2017, let me share some of the pictures on that day. 

Glimpse of what's inside the book : 

"There's no better feeling than feel loved" 

Once again, thank you 

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