Today's Topic : Intimate Session with Highschool Friends

4:08 AM

Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by :) 
It's 3.33 am and because of Kamila, i am here on my blog again (Thanks Kam, means a lot!). Anyway, ini di post ini bahasanya campur-campur, tapi semoga you guys still can enjoy it! 

Hari ini buka puasa di rumah gue sama Mazaya, Kamila, Syara, Tita, dan Nissa. 

Mereka adalah temen SMA gue di Alpus 1 dan kita deket pas kelas 3 SMA karena we studied and played together, which is such a great thing! (seriously, when your playmate is also your studymate, it’s just another reason to be grateful). Okay, we set a dress code for today’s meeting because we wanted to take pictures since our last proper photo was taken like..2 years ago if I’m not a mistaken – and yes, we need a new one! But you know, things not always goes as was raining and some of them came late. So, first plan was cancelled.

Pas semuanya udah kumpul, kita buka puasa bareng sambil nonton. But actually, we can’t wait for our Q time. Jadi yang terakhir makan (Tita) disuruh buru-buru biar kita cepet masuk kamar and Quality time . Last year kita main truth or truth which makes us closer and know more about each other, but Nissa didn’t come. That’s why, this time pas kita lengkap, nggak sabar untuk sharing and updating each other’s life.

When we entered my room, Nissa was literally the main focus. We asked her LOTS of QUESTIONS because we think we still don’t know her completely, or there are things that we wanted to make sure. Long story short (this is the actual point I wanted to talk about), kita sempet mau lanjut untuk nanya specific question untuk semuanya, but then I have an idea to talk about something else.

Instead of knowing each other, why don’t about appreciating each other? So my friends and I will feel loved setelah pulang & pisah, “what do they think about me: apa yang lo amaze dari orang-orang yang ada disini? Or you can also change the question, if we don’t have the opportunity to meet again, what do you wanna say?”.

First reaction:
“Nggaaaak ah nggak mau nanti malah drama”
“Ahh gue pasti nggak kuat malah nangis”
“Wah gabisa gabisa takut malah insecure”

Tapi akhirnya jadi. Oh anyway, I am inspired by Cara Alwill Leyba. I’ve read one of her books yang judulnya Girlcode (MY LIFE CHANGING BOOK!!), dan di dalem buku itu ada some of her writings yang intinya : girls should support each other. Instead of gossiping, why don’t you share your dreams or inspirations? Semacam ganti topik pembicaraan ke arah yang lebih positif dan lebih baik. So I’m trying to apply it on real life.

All of us answer the questions and expresss our feelings untuk Tita, dilanjut untuk Mazaya, Nissa, Me, Syara, and Kamila. At first it was very hard, belum apa-apa udah nangis. Tissue langsung ditaro dideket kita semua. Turned out, kita ngomong lebih luas lagi, yaitu juga tentang confession and suggestions untuk masing masing which I feel very useful. Because as time goes by, from highschool to uni life (+- 3 years), pasti ada yang berubah. From small things to habit. Mereka adalah temen yang menjadi lingkungan sehari-hari gue ketika SMA, yang tau gue pernah ngapain aja in highschool, how I deal with people, how I studied, how I share things, etc.

When it came to my turn to be showered by all of their sweet thoughts, I was literally touched and flattered (and I know semuanya juga ngerasa gini pasti!!). Omongan yang keluar dari mulut mereka are just so thoughtful, it makes me feel content and I always believe that words are powerful. I want to keep the memories of what do they think about me so I recorded it on my phone. I know it will make me feel warm and loved whenever I feel lonely or sad. I can always listen it anytime.

And I gotta be honest, it was very intimate and such a lovely time. Thanks my friends 

Bottom line:  
I want to share how blessed I am today and talk about this topic that you might want to try with your friends.

Simple steps :
  1. Make a question : “What do they think about (name) : things you amaze about (name) and suggestions for (name)
  2. Make a turn (clockwise, counterclockwise, or random)
  3. Be honest, pretend it’s the last time you meet your friends! Don’t feel guilty talking about the past
  4. When it’s your turn, record it
& Love your friends even moreeee ♡♡♡

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