Lesson Learned from 2017 ♡

9:35 AM

1.     Be specific to my dream 

Take time to watch this 
One point that personally for me very important from the video is "to be specific". We'll know what to do to reach our dreams. Sometime, we are too general on setting our dreams/goals. I try to think again, what i actually want from it? The pride? feeling? experience? Taking an example from one of his dreams; at first, he wanted to become an astronaut, but then he realized that he only wanted to float. And so he did float! On 2017, i targeted myself to be noticed by Gogirl Magazine. I tried to join an event that sponsored by it but they haven't notice me, yes i didn't stop right there. Suddenly that time came, when one of the editors asked my photo to be on the Street Style highlights. And here i am on their May 2017 issue 

2.     Everything happen for a reason 

I believe that every ups and down lead me into a different version of myself

3.     and Everything has been arranged

But this doesn't mean to always accept any tragedy. Humans are special because we have mind. So i use it to THINK! 

4.     “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”– The Alchemist

My favorite quotes!! (Thanks mazaya for the book recommendation).  And I realize that it is very true. It happens to me. The book also reminds me that there are always Omens that lead us to our dreams. In this case, i have to notice. 

5.     Everything is possible, literally everything!!

6.     Dream on. Dream, dream, dream! 

And believe it! Never did I have in mind I will travel to United States, Tokyo, London, Singapore, Yogyakarta, Bali, and Europe in a year. But I remember I already wanted to visit those places since I was in Elementary school, no lie. My dreams might take days, months, and years, but I believe it and it's not only going to be just a dream – its gonna be real. 

I also met ka Ayla Dimitri and had lunch with her and some of my new friends. I used to tell my friends that I’m going to know her better and deeper. It finally happen when she made her birthday lunch (should I make a post about this?!). 

And one of the highlights is attending high fashion brand event. This year I went to Bvlgari year-end party. From years I’ve been dreaming to get invited to such events, and finally I got it from my aunt!

7.     Communication is the key of everything 

I can't expect everybody will understand me. *Don't expect people will understand my facial expression, gestures, and my backgrounds if i don’t tell them at all*

8.     Perspective is very important!! 

It’s how I see things. One event can lead me to disappointment, but there is ALWAYS lesson learned from that disappointment. Better if I can see it as a time where I can improve myself  

9.     And yes, there’s always something to learn 

From college, my friend’s story, film, books, even social media! 

10.   Its possible for me to like things I used to hate, even now I feel like having necessity to do those things, why? 

It depends on how the situation and when i want to explore it. I used to hate reading and watching (series & movies). But now I feel like I have to read/watch. Back again to the perspectives. I realize by doing these things, I can communicate with people with that topic, I learn a lot by listening and reading! Aand, I like it!

11.  Every good or bad occurrence shape us into a better individual 

12.  Sharing is very important! 

       Very very important. Sometime, i have the intuition to share and also sometime, the content is what the others currently need to know. Aside from that, I can get another point from my friend’s point of view

13.  Environment and my surroundings influence on how i think and i act. 

       So, please make sure yours is a good one! I feel very lucky to have supportive friends. People around me always believe in me, even when i don't. They are the reason why i'm still working on my dream

14.  Turns out that I can hold my emotion, “if there’s a will, there’s a way”

15.  What differentiate myself with others is to be the best and truest version of myself. 

      I have this strange, weird, and umm unique way of posing. It has started from 2009 maybe. But i never show it to social media because i was so afraid of not meeting the standard. Until i realize, i have to stand out! Stand out by showing my authenticity!

16.  Reading books affect my personal life

      When I realize this, I take advantages by reading good personal development books. So I, myself will improve myself (but I also read novels tho) 

17.  Appreciating and valuing myself is NEEDED! 

        I take time to realize how far I have gone and thank the universe for helping me to reach this very moment. 

18.  If i have ideas that i can't do immediately, at least i WRITE IT DOWN. 

        On notes/post it/wherever it is!. Because not everyday i can think the same thing

19. Most valuable lessons: to be a kind, sincere, and calm person. 

      Quoted from Marsha’s Dad “ketenangan menguasai keadaan”. This is one of my 2017 guideline. I make sure i don't decide something when I’m on fire

20.  It’s not how people treat us the way I treat them, but it is indeed how i treat them without expecting they do the same

21.  To live in the present moment. Because regret is really useless – but make it as a useful lesson

22. Even when we don’t know what to do with ourselves, support others is always possible – whenever and wherever!!

23.  Compliment is necessary. 

I love it when people appreciate my outfits, videos, works, etc. But I learn to do that too to others. Because everybody’s happy when they are appreciated 

24.  From “Ego is the enemy” book, it also taught me to ask feedbacks. 

I mean, we sometimes don't feel the need to ask because we’re afraid of being hurt. But what actually it does, is making us a better self

25.  To always be a student 


26.  Set challenging targets instead of the possible ones. 

If I’m always in the comfort zone, when I’m gonna know the potential of myself? 

27.  Being nice, kind, and doing good doesn’t make me regret. But, when i misbehave or hurt others, I’m gonna regret it. So always, always be kind 

28.  From my meeting with Ka Ayla, she told me that to be pro active

We can’t just be quite and handle our luck. Effort is needed guys!! 

29.  I once read this, “if we listen we know new things, if we talk we repeat the things we already know” 

      in which, both are good. And I think I can correlate with reading & writing. When we write, we become more understand about things we already know, but when we read, we get new knowledges. 

30.  Try everything in order to know which one suits you the BEST! 

One lesson I got when my mom took me into lots of courses! (kumon, swimming, reading quran, drawing, ballet, jazz ballet, even computer!) In the end, I know which one I really like (dancing) because I feel an uncomfortable and ordinary feeling from doing the rest of it. Sometime we know the best through our feelings and intuitions, but also sometime, we need comparison. And BE BRAVE to try is the key! 

31.  Creative idea is interesting, but it won’t be anything if you don't do it. 

I once see a new trend and think, “I already thought about this before it became a new trend!!” But then I realize, I actually just think about it. I can’t claim that the idea is mine unless I’ve tried to do it and make something of it, so, just do it! 

32.  Learn to fill my social media content with the positive & useful ones. 

       I notice that I wasted lots of time scrolling my phone. So to turn it to a useful one, I follow accounts with good content (knowledges, motivations, etc!) 

33.  If I ask about something personal (family, relationship, dreams), it’s okay to gain insights, but always DIGEST all things. 

In the end, I’m the one who know what to do and who deals with my own life, so think twice. I don't want to regret and won’t let this thought “Its actually my friend’s decision not mine!” happen (again) 

34.  If i feel like nobody would understand my problem, ask google. 

       It’s available and it has every answers from the simplest till the very complex!

35. To share my dreams with my friends is needed. 

      The benefit is, when something related to us/our dream, they will remember us! That time when i met ka Ayla, i might not knew it if Tamara & Mazaya mentioned the news to me! 

36.  Repetition is the key

We get bored being reminded with things we already know, but I learn this from my Lecturer, that it turns out to be the key! 

37.  From girlcode book “exhale negativity” 

Couldn’t agree more. What I do is unfollow accounts that make me comment negative things and (of course I’m still trying ya) if I’m in a circle when they talk about gossip, try not to join or change the topic into something more interesting! Like “Who inspired you the most”, “What do you wanna do after graduating”, “What is the most valuable lesson in this month”. Think of it, it’s more useful than gossiping!

38.  The most important thing is when we’re close with God

      We will get double blessings without we’re asking. When we feel down or given a disaster, (as rakil said) it means God still love us because He still remember us. And at that time, we have to feel blessed – not complaining.

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