Why you should start writing a journal

9:24 AM

My grandpa once told me that getting older makes you forget something easily. (just as what most of the people say..). Around 2015, he told me to write. Just to write everything; from the unimportant to important things. Since that time till now, I make a so-called journal. And at this time, I just want to suggest you guys to write in a book! Why?

It feels good

There must be one time when you can’t share your feeling to others. Could be private problems that people wont understand. Pour it into words will make you less emotional because somehow healing and at the end, you will feel relieved.


Reading an old story is interesting for me! Because by the time, unconsciously the language, way to write, drawings, and else are changing aaaaand its exciting. When I opened my old journal I was like “why did I even think like this” but there’s a + value from this case. I tend to realize that I shouldn’t think stupid like that anymore. Somehow, it’s a reminder to be a better self. Umm.. is it clear? I don’t know how to tell.. bet you should start your own to know-how’s the feeling!

   Your own silent witness

Here’s an actual example. From I was in the second grade at the senior high school, I really wanted to go to ITB for my college. I write what I’ve been feeling toward the college, what I’ve been doing to get accepted, and many more. When now I am in the college, at some random time, I like to read my ‘sacrifices’ again. It makes me proud of myself and at the time when I’m very lazy, I’ll remember that I should make an effort to get what I want.

Know more about yourself

You’ll see a pattern on your writings. How overt yourself to your own journal, how will you make solutions for your own problems, how you express the feeling after an unforgettable moments hit you. When you read back your own stories, you will reflect yourself and most likely introspect yourself.

Start your own creativity

There’s no rule for your own journal. You can make it all writings, combination of writing and drawing, or even all drawings. Decorate your journal might be also fun..Just do anything that will make you comfortable

More grateful

Writing is one of the tools to express my happy/sad feeling. But reading them will always make me be more grateful.

Happy stories: I’m glad I’ve been there, getting what I want and feeling the grace that I don’t know I’ll feel it again or no in the future.

Sad stories: I’ve suffered from bad times & when I look at myself now, it’s like “I survived from the problems, turns out I can do it!”

Aside from all the factors above, writing do boosts your memory and you turn yourself into history

**A good friend of mine once felt a bad time and unfortunately, her closest friends and fam can’t be there physically with her. Then I suggest her to write ; express everything into her own words. After few times she writes, she told me that writing is really healing..

So now, its your turn!

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